Learn about the 2024 UBC Workplace Experiences Survey

February 24, 2025

Over 9,000 faculty and staff members participated in the 2024 UBC Workplace Experiences Survey (WES), sharing feedback on their experiences of working at the university.

Participation across UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan was 13 per cent higher than the previous WES survey in 2021. UBC’s overall engagement scores remained at 74% which is consistent with our score in 2021, and 3% higher than our comparison benchmarks for large organizations and the education sector. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts. 

Over the next couple of weeks, senior HR leaders will share portfolio and unit-level reports for all units with five or more survey respondents. These reports will provide localized results for use as teams develop their action plans to celebrate and improve engagement in their areas.

The 2024 survey results show that faculty and staff feel the university’s strongest areas for engaging with them are supporting professional growth; inclusion and respect; and championing innovation. Faculty and staff responded that they would like to see improved engagement in the following areas: better understanding of the vision and priorities from leaders; increased communications; and enhanced supports for faculty. 

Action planning conversation guides for managers are available on the HR website. Additional resources, including manager toolkits, will be made available by the end of March.  

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