Apply for a Peter Wall Fellowship and Research Award

January 23, 2025

UBC’s 2025 Wall Fellowships and Wall Research Awards competitions have launched, focusing on research and scholarly activity in identified areas relating to sustainability in British Columbia. This suite of awards represents one of the largest internal award programs at any university in North America. It supports the research and scholarly activities of tenured and tenure-track faculty members at all stages of their career, as well as those of master’s and doctoral students. 

The program of awards, open to researchers in all disciplines, is valued at almost $4 million annually, and made possible by the generosity of Dr. Peter Wall. 

  • Wall Fellowships, valued at $1 million each, will be awarded to two faculty members each year. 
  • Wall Research Awards are available for individual and team projects from faculty members, as well as for graduate students. 

Visit the Peter Wall Legacy Awards website to find out more, including all deadlines, criteria and information sessions.

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