Dr. Henry Yu re-appointed as Principal, St. John's College

January 21, 2025

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is pleased to announce the re-appointment of Dr. Henry Yu to serve as Principal of St. John’s College (SJC) for a five-year term effective January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2029. This appointment follows a review of Dr. Yu’s performance as Principal to-date, and the larger SJC ecosystem.

During Dr. Yu’s period as Principal, SJC has come to be known for initiatives such as Staff Hot Lunch that help build a meaningful sense of belonging and community on campus. Dr. Yu’s commitment to fostering collaboration at UBC has also allowed SJC to serve as a crucial incubator for important academic initiatives such as the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program in the Faculty of Arts and the UBC Centre for Asian Canadian Research and Engagement.

As a history professor, Dr. Yu’s research and teaching has been built around collaboration, anti-racism education and inclusion. He is a community-builder at heart, working to bring people together. SJC life and programming will continue to revolve around the communal dining that creates The World Around Our Table. The renewal of Dr. Yu as SJC Principal affirms the importance of SJC’s leadership at UBC in building community through sharing food and its longstanding commitment to Bringing People Together to Make the World Better.

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