
Message from the President: Share your thoughts on UBC’s vision for the future

This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

January 20, 2025

A message from Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President and Vice-Chancellor

In September, UBC launched a process to refresh its strategic plan in order to better define the university’s long-term vision and establish priorities and actions, focusing on our academic and research mission, for the next three to five years.

Throughout the fall, we invited students, faculty, staff and alumni to share their thoughts in a series of surveys, workshops, pop ups and other events and activities. More than 1,600 participants took part, contributing over 5,900 ideas.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the fall engagement phase. Since then, the project team has carefully analyzed the feedback and identified a number of recurring themes that were seen as critical to our shared long-term vision.

To ensure these emerging themes align with our community’s vision for UBC’s future, we are now inviting students, faculty and staff to participate in a short survey. Your input will help ensure that the themes identified in last year’s engagement truly reflect the diverse perspectives of our UBC community.

We would ask that you please complete the survey by February 7, 2025. You can access it here.

Read the full message

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