Thousands of jellyfish clones are multiplying in BC lakes

September 3, 2024

An invasive, freshwater jellyfish is popping up in BC waters in the thousands and future sightings could increase rapidly, according to UBC research.

The peach blossom jellyfish clones have been spotted in 34 places in BC, its furthest northern range in North America, and a recent paper predicts sightings will increase to about 80 by the end of the decade as climate change extends this range. 

Dr. Florian Lüskow, who completed the research during his postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) and Dr. Evgeny Pakhomov, Professor in EOAS and the Institute of Oceans and Fisheries, discuss what we know do and don’t know about the mysterious jelly.

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