Taryn Cigagna goes global

Photo of Taryn Cigagna speaking with colleagues

If there were ever a job custom-fit for an individual, it’s Taryn Cigagna’s role at UBC’s Go Global. While hopping on long-distance flights and hitting the ground running might not be everyone’s idea of an ideal work week, it’s a dream come true for the Associate Director of UBC’s Go Global international learning program.

“I work with outbound exchange, and my regional portfolio includes the UK, Ireland, North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa,” Taryn explains in a lively chat at International House on West Mall, which houses her office. “I work primarily on helping students find interesting experiences in partner schools that will fit with their degree. I do about two big trips a year, whether it be to conferences or partner visits.”

Taryn notes that her role also extends to faculty. “When faculty have schools that they want to work with, we can support that process and set up that partnership. If it’s a preexisting partner, we help set up the pathway, identify the parameters of the program, and figure out the best way to help get the students from A to B.”

"When faculty have schools that they want to work with, we can support that process and set up that partnership"

Taryn Cigagna

Taryn herself did a study exchange in Northern Ireland while an undergrad at the University of Waterloo, and says she’s had the travel bug for as long as she can remember. “When I was six or seven years old, we had just got a desktop computer, and I went into the calendar function and plotted out all my travels for the year—all the places that I was going to visit,” she recalls, laughing. “So from a pretty young age I’ve always had a sense of adventure and curiosity for the world.”

On holidays, Taryn isn’t the staycation type. A dedicated animal lover with a degree in anthropology and primatology, she’s journeyed into forests and jungles to spend time up close with our evolutionary cousins. Most recently, her passion for primates took her on a trip to Rwanda, where she was able to observe a family of gorillas.

“You’re taken by trackers into the forest to find one of six or eight gorilla families,” she vividly recounts. “You’re allowed an hour in their presence and I don’t think I can describe in words what that feeling was like. Being able to look into their eyes was probably most amazing experience I’ve had. I don’t think anything can top that.” She has also journeyed to the Democratic Republic of Congo to observe chimps, and this year she’ll go to Borneo to observe orangutans and complete what she calls the “great ape trifecta.”

While these adventures taken place during her vacation time, Taryn has also had some memorable work travels. “The first time I went to Australia and New Zealand was with work,” she says. “I was so lucky to be able to take time for a whale watching tour and to see some local animals.” Not only do such adventures make for exciting memories, they also help Taryn in her role at UBC. “When I’m talking about a place, the fact that I’ve had that experience helps me to advise better,” she points out.

“We’re sending students to these places all over the world, and I think it’s so critical for me to have experienced that as well.”

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