Perfect synchronization – at work and on the water

John Metras

You may have noticed in your workspace, a small black garbage container that hangs off the side of your blue recycling bin.

This desk-side recycling program was one of the first initiatives John Metras worked on at the Vancouver campus in the early 90s. As the Managing Director of Infrastructure Development in the VP Finance and Operations Portfolio, John has always been interested in sustainability.

He explains: “The purpose of this program was to challenge people to take responsibility for reducing their waste. It tried to get people to think more about the waste they were producing, to recycle more, and reduce the amount they were generating. It transformed the whole psychology of waste on campus.”

John and his team are responsible for the planning and development of institutional facilities at UBC, collaborating with stakeholders to create great spaces for teaching, learning, research and the campus community. With over 20 years of experience in facilities development and operations including his previous role as Director of UBC Plant Operations (now Building Operations), John plays an integral role in helping UBC evolve into a global leader in sustainability.

John was also the driver of the first in-vessel composting program at UBC – the first of its kind at a Canadian university – which took food and organic waste, and composting it on campus. The program has been running since 2004. “The system enhances composting by controlling the temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels,” says John. “Essentially, it accelerates composting time, and rapidly processes organic materials, which can be reused on campus grounds.”

When John is not immersed in work, he enjoys the camaraderie of rowing with his team from the Vancouver Rowing Club. “It’s a graceful sport,” he continues. “It’s like you’re skimming at the top of the water when you get the stroke down. It requires a lot of endurance and power but it just feels perfect when you do it right.”

John has won many medals rowing across the globe over the last 15 years. He most recently returned home with three gold and two silver medals rowing with his team at the 2017 World Masters Game in New Zealand. He laughs: “I’m fortunate to team up with some really great rowers, including former Olympic and former National team rowers. For old guys, we go fairly fast and we have a lot of fun doing it!”

John and his team competing in the Henley Masters Regatta at Henley-on-Thames in England – a race they won!

The collaboration involved in rowing is not unlike John’s work at UBC. He explains: “In rowing, you have to work together to be perfectly synchronized. It’s not about the individual. It’s about the crew, about the common goal and working together. At work, we have to be collaborative to overcome technical issues with complex programs, constrained sites, or inherent challenges around asbestos, seismic upgrade requirements, or old building systems. We always have a shared sense of purpose and perspective.

“We are here to build great spaces for people, and it’s a great feeling when we move forward together in the right direction to do great things for the university”.

We are here to build great spaces for people, and it’s a great feeling when we move forward together in the right direction to do great things for the university.

John Metras
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