UBC Today content submission guidelines

The UBC Today website provides a range of content to support our faculty and staff community in their work. The site helps to inform, engage and connect colleagues across all our campuses and learning sites.  

We encourage you to submit content so it can be shared on the UBC Today website. Before you do, here’s what you’ll need to consider:

For content to be considered for publication, it must be:

  • Broadly relevant or of interest to a large proportion of faculty and/or staff at either one or more of our campuses or learning sites
  • Professional, well written and presented, and free from factual inaccuracies
  • Inclusive and accessible to all audiences
  • Timely (i.e. not recycled, outdated, or content that is too similar to that which has already been published on the UBC Today website)
  • From a credible internal source, such as a faculty member or communicator
  • Mindful of the current climate (e.g. not overly positive/happy stories during a difficult or challenging time, or likely to ignite criticism due to the bad timing of its publication)
  • Be explicit on the call to action (when applicable)

You can submit any of the following content types:



Additional considerations


Achievements, appointments, operational updates, new opportunities, leadership updates, something for faculty and/or staff to provide feedback or comment on (e.g. vote in elections, complete a survey, participate in research).

Appointments of directors and above only. Achievements and recognition must be highly significant or noteworthy.


An in person or virtual event, activity, workshop, webinar, speaking, sporting or networking event.

No personal or private events that are not managed by or affiliated with the university in any way.


Tools, templates, guides, FAQs, instruction manuals, systems, processes.

Consider whether the resource needs to be added as a permanent link on the UBC Today website.   


A story or news about the work of an individual, team, faculty or unit, including research updates and findings, or examples of our strategic plan in action.

Aim to keep stories under 800 words and include multimedia where possible.

Useful date

A university specific date or deadline such as when to submit an application for funding or date by when to complete a survey.

Must be a UBC specific date which comes with a link to a page with more information.

Please note that we will not be able to publish content that is:

  • From a source outside of the university
  • Considered marketing to faculty and staff
  • Primarily focused on the work of students and/or alumni, unless the angle or topic has a strong relevance to faculty and staff


For the most part, content will be published on a Monday morning, unless you indicate otherwise and provide a specific date and time for publication. You can submit content as far in advance as you’d like — but, where possible, please ensure that your content is submitted at least two working days prior to the date of publication. 

Once you’ve submitted your content, a member of the UBC Internal Communications team will review your request, and let you know when and where your content will be published.


By submitting content, you agree to accept that the UBC Internal Communications team will make the final decision on what content is published on the site, and may decide to not publish content for reasons outside those mentioned in these guidelines.

You also acknowledge that by submitting content, you consent to it being published in one or more of the following ways, as determined by the UBC Internal Communications team:

  • As a latest update for either faculty and staff, faculty or staff
  • As an update in the roundup section of the site
  • As a useful date, event, or resource spotlight
  • As an item mentioned in the UBC Today weekly email update

If you’d also like your content considered for other central (external) channels, such as the UBC homepage or social media, please submit your content using the UBC Storybox.

The UBC Internal Communications team reserve the right to update these guidelines at any time, so please ensure you review these each time you submit content.

Find the latest news, updates, events, and useful dates from across UBC, curated for faculty and staff by Internal Communications.
Access a library of resources from multiple UBC websites, all in one place.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Time A clock. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Feedback Dots inside a speech bubble, indicating discussion. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Lightbulb A lightbulb inside a circle. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Parking The letter 'P' inside a circle. Telephone An antique telephone. Play A media play button. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Submit content An inbox filled with paper. Team A group of people inside a circle. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service.