UBCBulletin Updates for leadership

Help reduce traffic on JumpStart Residence Move-in Day

This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers, and senior professional leaders in Vancouver.

August 19, 2024

Each year, UBC Vancouver welcomes thousands of students as they move into their assigned on-campus residence. Historically, this has taken place over a weekend, but this year Move-in Day is happening on Tuesday, August 27.

In order to support our new students, and minimize traffic issues at UBC Vancouver, we are asking you to work with your teams to help reduce traffic on campus that day. Faculty and staff are encouraged to adjust commute times, use public transportation where feasible, or work with their supervisor on alternative arrangements for that day.

Please note that the Rose Garden Parkade and Thunderbird Parkade will be reserved for vehicles supporting Move-in Day on August 27. Faculty and staff who normally park in the Rose Garden Parkade are encouraged to use the West Parkade. Faculty and staff who normally park in the Thunderbird Parkade are encouraged to use the Health Sciences Parkade.

Move-in Day is such a special time for the university, and always brings lots of positive energy. Thank you in advance for helping reduce traffic – so we can ensure our new students have a positive move-in experience and feel welcome.

Gage Averill
Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver

Ainsley Carry
Vice-President, Students

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