New institutional roadmap to implement EDI priorities
This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers, and senior professional leaders in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
June 8, 2023
In September of 2022, the Strategic Equity and Anti-racism (StEAR) framework was introduced to guide UBC’s approach to the implementation of institutional equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) priorities.
I am now pleased to announce the release of the StEAR Roadmap for Change, a substantive component of the framework that includes a detailed set of objectives and strategic actions to be implemented over the next three to five years.
The Equity & Inclusion Office developed the StEAR Roadmap for Change through an extensive analysis of UBC’s existing EDI-related plans and recommendation reports. The roadmap contains 18 objectives and numerous strategic actions across the four domains of change identified in the framework: structural, curricular, compositional, and interactional.
To support the implementation of the roadmap, a governance model provides an accountability structure: Implementation Teams to drive efforts and an Implementation Committee comprising the leads of Implementation Teams and reporting to the Executive Liaison Team comprising Executive Sponsors. The model also establishes lines of communication for consultation and engagement of Equity Leads, EDI champions and campus community groups representing historically, persistently or systemically marginalized (HPSM) students, faculty and staff.
Work to constitute implementation teams is underway. Resources, such as engagement tools and funding will soon be made available on the StEAR website.
Read the full announcement at
Review the evolving StEAR framework, including the Roadmap for Change, at
Thank you to everyone who has contributed leadership and practical efforts to advance EDI at UBC, particularly those from historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized UBC communities and the distributed Equity Leads. We will continue to update you as this work takes shape.
Arig al Shaibah
Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion
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