UBCBulletin Updates for leadership

UBC launches new programs to help tackle cybersecurity risk

This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers, and senior professional leaders in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

March 2, 2023

A major cybersecurity breach has the potential to seriously hamper UBC’s operations, reputation and position as a world-class institution, as well as cause harm to individuals who have entrusted UBC with their personal information.

As an Administrative Head of Unit (Dean, Principal, Director, Head of Department, etc.), you are accountable for the security of systems and protection of personal information within your Faculty or Administrative Unit. It is critical that Administrative Heads understand this responsibility and take the necessary steps to secure systems.

To support you in carrying out these responsibilities, we are pleased to share two important new services. The first is the Compliance Support Program and the second is the Privacy Matters Champions Program, both of which are described below. Please take the time to learn more about these new programs, which will help you in mitigating information security risk in your Faculty or Administrative Unit.

Compliance Support Program
The Compliance Support Program aims to raise awareness about UBC’s privacy and information security requirements and help you understand the steps you can take to support your team and safeguard against security or privacy breaches. The Compliance Support Program includes:

  • Support for Administrative Heads and IT representatives to self-identify compliance gaps
  • Training to support leadership with this accountability
  • Advice in relation to best practices, UBC support services and technologies available to mitigate risk and support compliance
  • Consolidated reporting on risk and related performance that is specific to your Faculty or Administrative Unit
  • Ongoing support on key risks and mitigations

Last year, UBC piloted the Compliance Support Program for a select group of units. The Compliance Support Program is now being expanded across UBC in a phased approach, starting March 2023. You will be contacted when your Faculty or Administrative Unit is to be enrolled in the Compliance Support Program.

Privacy Matters Champions Program
UBC is launching a community of Privacy Matters champions made up of faculty and staff to meet regularly to identify possible privacy and information security hazards, make recommendations and follow up on previous incidents. While participation in the Privacy Matters Champions Program is not mandatory, it is highly recommended. If your Faculty or Administrative Unit is not a part of the Privacy Matters Champions Program and you wish to join, please contact the PrISM office at privacy.matters@ubc.ca.

More information
To learn more about the Compliance Support Program and the Privacy Matters Champions Program, please check the following websites:

  • hxxps://privacymatters.ubc.ca/compliance-support
  • hxxps://privacymatters.ubc.ca/champions

Thank you for playing an important role in keeping UBC’s systems secure and protecting the personal information of our community. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and we hope these programs support you with this important accountability.

Gage Averill 
Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver

Lesley Cormack
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan

John Metras
Interim Vice-President, Operations

Hubert Lai, K.C.
University Counsel

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