UBCO’s campus becomes a lab for connection and clean air

March 17, 2025

Two new projects funded by UBC Okanagan’s Campus as a Living Lab program are fostering student well-being and tackling airborne microplastics.

To help first-year students struggle with loneliness and social isolation, Dr. Lauren Human, Associate Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Steve Brodrick, Associate Director, Residence Life; and Dr. Melissa Fedderson, Manager, Campus Wellness and Education are launching a research-driven initiative to examine how students can build meaningful relationships early in their university experience.

To find out how much plastic is in the air we breathe, Dr. Michael Noonan, Assistant Professor of Biology, Faculty of Science; Dr. Daniel Rosa, Lab Technician and Health and Safety Associate; and Dr. Laura Grieneisen, Assistant Professor of Biology, Faculty of Science are measuring microplastic concentrations in air vents across classrooms, offices and labs.

The Campus as a Living Lab initiative enables faculty and staff on both campuses to co-create and co-deliver projects that advance sustainability research, innovation, and real-world learning.

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