Change to academic scheduling this October
This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers in Vancouver.
May 17, 2023
During the 2023 calendar year, statutory holidays have created an imbalance in the numbers of days available for classes on each weekday, with Mondays disproportionately affected.
In light of this, the Vancouver Senate has approved a motion to designate Thursday October 12 as a ‘Make-up Monday’ to offset the impact of statutory holidays occurring on Mondays. All classes normally scheduled for Thursday October 12 will be cancelled and replaced by classes that are normally scheduled for a Monday.
Academic units and students will be informed and reminded of ‘Make-up Monday’ during course registration, at the start of the 2023 winter term and again at the start of October.
You can read the full details (pages 29-31) here.
Rella Ng
Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Services and Registrar
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