UBCBulletin Updates for leadership

Funding support for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

May 1, 2023

Please note: this message was issued to UBC Vancouver. Read the UBC Okanagan message here.

The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) is increasingly important within post-secondary education. By using systematic, deliberate and methodological inquiry into teaching, we can make a measurable improvement in student learning. Recognising the importance of SoTL within higher education, we are pleased to announce the launch of two funding opportunities.

SoTL Linkage Grants
SoTL Linkage Grants have been established to enable the synthesis, exploration and high-impact dissemination of interdisciplinary SoTL research. This pilot funding program supports the formation of interdisciplinary teams of SoTL researchers inquiring into fundamental questions in higher education that benefit from investigation in multiple pedagogical and / or curricular contexts.

UBC has committed a total $100,000 fund amount this year, with up to $25,000 awarded to each successful proposal. Notices of Intent will need to be submitted by May 29, 2023.

To learn more, and for details of upcoming information sessions, visit the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning website.

SoTL Seed Program
The SoTL Seed Program provides those interested in exploring the impact of their pedagogical choices with graduate research specialists, collegial collaborations, and limited funding. Since program inception in 2014, an average of 45% of applications have been accepted every year.

All UBC faculty and staff are invited to apply. Priority is given to full-time faculty members, those who teach at the undergraduate level, and those who have not had an active SoTL Seed project in the last 12 months. The deadline for applications is May 22, 2023.

Learn more about the SoTL Seed Program.

Details about both of these opportunities will be shared with all faculty and staff this week, through UBC Today. Thank you in advance for your support in encouraging colleagues to apply for these opportunities.

Simon Bates
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning pro tem

Matthew Evenden
Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation

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