UBCBulletin Updates for leadership

UBC’s transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic

This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers, and senior professional leaders in Vancouver and the Okanagan.

May 15, 2023

On May 5, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 no longer qualifies as a global emergency. This announcement came alongside UBC’s own discussions about fully transitioning to a communicable disease prevention framework.

Communicable disease prevention outlines how Public Health, UBC and individuals can work together to prevent the spread of communicable disease. It is intended to educate members of the UBC community on such measures so that we all better understand the layers of protection.

As of today (May 15), the university has disestablished the COVID-19 Campus Rules which provided vital guidance for our community during the pandemic. In addition, previous COVID-19 resources such as the main websites, FAQS and signage will be removed or replaced with information to support our community around communicable disease prevention.

The last three years have been challenging for UBC, and other post-secondary institutions across the globe. While the transition to a communicable disease prevention approach is positive, it is still important that we monitor for symptoms of respiratory illness and stay home when we are sick.

I encourage you to read these resources online at:

Frank Laezza
Vice-President, Finance & Operations

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