2024 annual merit and performance-based increase programs
This message was sent to executive, deans and other senior academic leaders, academic heads, directors and managers, and senior professional leaders in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
May 23, 2024
I am pleased to confirm that UBC is proceeding with the 2024 annual merit and performance-based increase programs for eligible employees as outlined below.
Merit program
We are moving forward with the 2024 merit program for eligible employees in the following groups: Management & Professionals (AAPS); Executive Administrative staff (i.e. excluded clerical); Farmworkers; and Non-union Technicians and Research Assistants.
The maximum merit increase for 2024 is 3% and, consistent with last year, the target average merit payment within Administrative Units and Faculties is 1.5%. Merit increases are in addition to the 2024 General Wage Increase (GWI) of 3%.
The merit program is intended to recognize eligible staff for their outstanding performance. As in previous years, participation is a requirement. Maintaining a consistent commitment to the program helps ensure its integrity, as well as the university’s ability to retain and recruit outstanding staff.
Staff should be evaluated on the basis of their meritorious performance, as opposed to other factors such as equity and market pressures. This focus helps to reinforce the purpose of the program – recognition and reinforcement of outstanding performance.
Staff members who are currently at the maximum of their salary ranges are not eligible for ongoing salary increases. However, these employees can still be rewarded within the merit scale for meritorious performance through one-time in lieu payments.
Performance-Based Increase (PBI) program
We are proceeding with the 2024 annual performance-based increase program for eligible employees in the following groups: Excluded Management & Professional (XMP); Service Unit Directors (SUDs); and Associate Vice Presidents (AVPs) and equivalents.
The maximum PBI increase for 2024 is 5% and the target average within Administrative Units and Faculties is 3%. A reminder that employee groups eligible for the PBI increase are not eligible for GWIs.
Updated process for 2024
This year, UBC is targeting an earlier implementation date of the end of September pay cheque in order to tie merit pay more closely with the performance period that it recognizes.
In light of this, we ask that performance conversations with staff be completed by early July. Year-end conversations are a great time to reflect on the accomplishments and efforts over the past year, including discussing key goals, performance objectives, and the successes and opportunities that will help guide the year ahead.
Additionally, we will be using Workday Merit functionality to process merit this year. In the coming weeks, we will be providing department/Faculty administrators with information and training about this year’s program, including an orientation to the Workday functionality.
Further information will be shared as these programs are rolled out over the next couple of months. You can find details regarding the process, including key dates, by visiting this HR news item.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Adam Charania
Interim Vice-President, Human Resources
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