Updates, news and stories

A selection of updates, news and stories from across the university.

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  • Rocket preparing to launch
    1 September, 2022 | Media release | Faculty & Staff

    As space activity increases, who owns the moon and Mars?

    Humanity is set to make a return to the Moon with the Artemis program, in what NASA says is a first step to Mars. So, who gets first dibs? Dr. Aaron Boley, a professor in UBC’s Department of Physics & Astronomy, discusses the mission’s plans and why we need to sort out access and resource rights before we return to the lunar surface. Find out more

  • UBC crest
    30 August, 2022 | Announcement | Faculty & Staff

    Submit nominations for the UBC Chancellor reappointment committee by Sept. 9

    Earlier this month, the UBC Alumni Association (alumni UBC) announced that Chancellor Steven Lewis Point is approaching the end of his first three-year term and is being considered for reappointment. As part of the reappointment process, students, faculty and staff were invited to serve on an advisory committee. Thank you to everyone who submitted their nominations.

  • Researchers collaborating
    30 August, 2022 | Announcement | Faculty

    Submit a proposal for Health Innovation Funding Investment awards

    The fall call for proposals for the Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards is now open to faculty members at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan. UBC Health is offering awards of $10,000 to $25,000 to faculty members who are collaborating across Faculties, disciplines, and campuses to develop new teams, pursue new ideas, or translate findings from innovative health-related research. 

  • Medal
    29 August, 2022 | Announcement | Staff

    Announcing the recipients of the 2022 President's Awards for Staff

    Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 President's Service Awards for Excellence and the President's Staff Awards. These awards are presented annually by the university to recognize staff members who demonstrate outstanding achievement and excellence within the UBC community.

  • Ngai Pindell
    26 August, 2022 | Leadership one-on-one | Faculty & Staff

    Ngai Pindell

    Ngai Pindell is the Dean of the Peter A. Allard School of Law. He began his five-year term on November 8, 2021. Prior to joining UBC, Dean Pindell completed a 21-year term at the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, where he held the title of International Gaming Institute Professor of Law. He also served as Vice-Provost and Special Advisor to the Executive and Vice-President. He was a Governor-appointed Commissioner for the Nevada Equal Rights Commission, and an appointee to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Law School Admission Council. Dean Pindell received his BA in Economics from Duke University and his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. More recently, his professional research and teaching interests focused on property law, wills and trusts, affordable housing, community development, and local government law. In addition to his unwavering commitment to his Faculty and the university community, Dean Pindell also recognizes the need for the legal profession to reflect those in the community it serves and the diversity of Canadian society.

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