Restricting the use of DeepSeek at UBC

March 19, 2025

DeepSeek, a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool, has been restricted at the university.

Following the BC public sector ban on government owned devices, UBC conducted an extensive review of public information and third-party assessments regarding DeepSeek. A number of privacy and security risks were identified including extensive data collection and sharing, access to personal information, weak encryption, and keystroke logging. As a result, UBC is restricting the use of DeepSeek applications including mobile, desktop and web or browser access on devices that access university systems.

Faculty, staff and students who have already installed the app are required to uninstall it from any UBC-owned or personal devices that are used for university business or that access a UBC system through user login. Examples include the UBC wireless network, UBC Library systems, Canvas, Workday, VPN, or any other UBC system requiring a username and password.

Preventative measures will be used to block the DeepSeek Applications for users on the UBC network i.e. on campus or using the UBC VPN.

UBC remains committed to fostering a secure and privacy-conscious environment for students, faculty, and staff.

For more information about the restriction and information about DeepSeek, read the full announcement on the Privacy Matters website . 

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